Partnering with organizations to achieve targeted results through performance optimization

How can PERFORMEX help you today?

Needs Assessment

Is your organization experiencing a gap between current and desired results? PERFORMEX will partner with you to take a systematic and systemic approach to identifying the root causes of the performance gap and determining a cost-effective solution set to achieve enduring results.

Training Programs

What if a needs analysis reveals that one of the underlying causes of a performance problem is a discrepancy between what employees currently know/can do and what they need to know/be able to do? PERFORMEX offers custom training solutions.


Design and development of new training programs or improvements to existing training programs.

When you partner with PERFORMEX on a custom training solution, building necessary knowledge and skills is only the first step. PERFORMEX will partner with you to also design a post-training support and accountability package to increase on-the-job application of what was learned during training in ways which contribute to targeted results.

Training Evaluation

Is a current training program not delivering the anticipated results? Are you finding that training graduates aren’t always applying their new knowledge and skills back on the job in any sustained and worthwhile way? PERFORMEX will partner with you to investigate the problem, identify the underlying causes, and make recommendations to optimize evidence-based program design, create a post-training support and accountability package, and establish a chain of evidence to clearly demonstrate to management the business value of the training program.

Commitment to Problem Solving and Long-Term Results

PERFORMEX is committed to partnering with organizations to solve performance problems. From research and experience, PERFORMEX recognizes that there are a number of factors in the job environment and within performers themselves that can either enhance or impede people’s performance on the job. If solutions don’t target the underlying causes of a performance problem, although the problem may be solved in the short term, it will undoubtedly reoccur. As a result, PERFORMEX isn’t invested in any one performance solution (e.g., training programs). In collaboration with organizations, PERFORMEX places performance problems under a magnifying glass to identify the root causes and to create a solution set that will bring about sustained change in employees’ key behaviours and enduring organizational results.